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Oops... The page you have requested was not found.

The page may have moved, been changed or updated,
or you may have made a typo or spelling mistake.

Your best bet for finding what you seek
is to go to our Weather Vane Home Page
and look for it there.

Radar's in charge of this one...
"I don't know, and I don't care.
That's why they put me in charge..."

No, really, please tell me about this error.
Unlike Radar, I will fix it.
Thanks, Al
Denninger Weather Vanes & Finials

Alfred H. and Beth R. Denninger, Webmasters
Denninger Weather Vanes & Finials, 3773 Marion County 160, Theodosia, MO. 65761 USA
870-204-4791 | 417-712-4991 alfred@denninger.com
All contents © 1988-2016 AHD. All Rights Reserved.
Copying of our original material, photos or designs without permission is strictly prohibited.
www.denninger.com "The Weather Vane Home Page" has been online since Feb. 27, 1996